graphic design

Saturday, September 6, 2008

i like big fonts

Parody Song Title: "I Like Big Fonts"
Parody Written by: Bob Gomez

OFFICE ASSISTANT: Oh. My. God. Becky, look at this font. It is so big. *scoff* It looks like, one of those Life mag covers. But, y'know, who understands editors? *scoff* You only notice it, because, it looks like an 18 Cooper Black, 'kay? I mean, this font, is just so big. *scoff* I can't believe it's just so round, it's like, out there, I mean - gross. Look! It's just soblack!

I like big fonts and I can not lie!
Them tiny muthas strain my eyes!
And when a fax comes in with an itty bitty print
And a font that makes you squint
You can't read!
Microscopical screed!
And you're cussin' the fax machine--
"Bleep!" at the sheet you're swearin';
The office assistant's glarin'!
Oh baby, no skinny Lucida--
Or Book Antiqua--
My email buds all scorn me,
"Cause when I cut and paste, it defaults to 40!
Ooh, like a Rockwell!
You say you want my jaw to lock up?
Then bold me, hue me!
Don'tcha dare Helvetica Neue me!
You want attention?
The hell with condensin'!
Go thick, stacked,
Get it goin' like a Cooper Black!
I'm tired of magazines
Showin' pale fonts over green--
Take the average dingbat and ask him that--
It's gotta pack much black!
So, fellas! ("Yeah!") Fellas! ("Yeah!")
Is your webpage supersexed? ("Hell, yeah!")
Tell 'em to paste it! ("Paste it!") Paste it! ("Paste it!")
Paste that monster text!
Gimme phat phont!

(Big typeface with underlining)
20-point font!

I like "em bold, and big--
My docs are bustin' a gig!
I just can't help myself, I'm writin' it in Arial--
How secretarial!
I wanna hit that zoom
And click, double-up, click, click!
I hate narrow or script words,
And Copperplate Light was made for nerds!
I want 'em real thick and juicy!
So find that Braggadocio--
Monaco's a no-show!
Beggin' for Helvetica Bold-show!
When I'm lookin' at art on the walls,
Gimme them large print catalogs, y'all!
You can keep them docents!
Got-damn volunteers make no sense!
A word to the soul food venues: I wanna large menu!
I won't cuss or "N" you
But I gotta be straight when I say I wanna read
Till the break of dawn--
My library's open long!
A lot of pimps won't like this song
'Cause them apes like to listen to book tapes,
And I'd rather turn the page!
My mind's flexed, I dig text,
And I'm down to get the fiction checked!
So, ladies! ("Yeah!") Ladies! ("Yeah!")
If you think an 8-point bites like rabies--("Yeah!")
Then scroll it down! Pick it out!
24-point's got some clout!
Arial Black!

Arial Black!

"Yeah, baby...when it comes to emails, Calisto ain't got nothin'
to do with my selection. 36? 24? 36? Ha ha, only if it's MT"

So your temp clerk types in Geeza, and she sounds like Condoleezza,
But geez! I can't read your letter in italic Geneva!
My paragraphical format
Mos' def'ly packs more fat!
You can do sidebars or footnotes,
But please don't squeeze that font!
Some writers wanna play with symbols
Forgettin' that the font ain't bold,
So they paste it and leave it--
And I click, select and unsqueeze it!
So Boss-Man digs 10-point?
Well, he can suck my joint!
Baskerville is ill but the STENCIL's kickin'--
The page view, it needs thick'nin'!
To the beanpole words in the magazines:
You're tone-deaf, G-string!
I see a drop cap, it's just a stopgap--
Those "zines, they print lollipop pap!
Some chucklehead's feelin' pissed,
Only three fonts on his list!
He had Jazz but he chose to mute it,
But I like "em black and big-booted!
So ladies, if the system's down,
And you're sick of lanky fonts, get round,
Google up "free fonts"! Textify!
And click them monsta fonts,
Gimme phat phont!

Legible and readable a big phat phont!
Legible and readable a big phat phont!
Legible and readable a big phat phont!
Legible and readable a big phat phont!

Gimme phat phont!

videos i heart...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008